2024 AAUW Longmont Brochure
Check out the current highlights of our branch and consider joining us for Coffee & Conversation or an upcoming meeting or contact us at aauwlongmont@gmail.com to get connected to our Membership VP, Nan Andersson. We’d encourage you to join us.
Our Longmont Branch History
Organized in 1947, post-war Longmont, Colorado (pop. 10,000) had 51 AAUW branch members who took on any project of any size to make this community a better place to live. They came together and:
- lobbied legislators
- monitored city council meetings
- recruited community leaders for boards and committees
- organized discussion groups to end discrimination
- hosted and housed then-controversial minority speakers
- supported women’s rights
- arranged concert series programs
- helped establish Channel 6 educational television
- set up a preschool, spearheaded water fluoridation
- campaigned for clean air and streams
- worked on long-range land use planning
- championed school district reorganization
- promoted state and federal educational aid
- encouraged girls to further their education
- funded scholarships
- began the Bargain Book Sale, which ran for 60+ years, as a community service and to benefit the scholarship and grant programs
These women taught us well, and we are still learning from them.
The Longmont Branch Today
Seventy-eight years later, Longmont’s AAUW branch still remains dedicated to the AAUW mission of advancing gender equity for all women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.
We are working to increase our membership and its diversity in an environment characterized by mutual respect and teamwork. We are actively working on new ways to be agents of positive action in our community in areas such as gender pay inequity and Title IX compliance. Take a look at our updated strategic plan to get an idea of current direction and how you might get involved.