Board Messages 2023-24 and Before

Annual Report for 2023-24

2024-25 Message from Co-Presidents Cheryl Spraetz and Janell Flaig

We are living in difficult times in a very divided country.  Instead of bemoaning the “terrible mess the world is in,” AAUW offers its members opportunities to strengthen social bonds and amplify our voices.  AAUW programs, both social and informational, can be doors to greater understanding and bridges to more involvement if we truly commit to Seizing the Moment.

“Too many women are being offered leadership positions they decline.  If 50% of leadership positions were held by women, the world would be a better place.  Don’t be a bystander.  Set an example.  Young women learn best from mentors.” This encouragement came from AAUW Convention keynote speaker and former State Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Love Kourlis.  She acknowledged that many women have risen to positions of power; however, she believes this progress has stalled.  In some cases, the barrier to power is the women themselves.

Air Force Academy Dean Brigadier General Linell Letendre expanded on the same theme.  “Don’t overlook the little opportunities; knock the little ones out of the park, and they will lead to bigger opportunities.  Don’t sit on the sidelines; sit at the table.  And if you are at the table, talk!  We need to be the champions for those who come behind us.”

 Each of our members is a repository of experience, wisdom, and intelligence that too often remains untapped.  This year we hope you will commit to making at least one improvement in AAUW.  Maybe your idea is for elevating girls, a change in an existing interest group or a proposal for a new one, a suggestion for a new fundraiser, or a novel approach to recruiting new members.  Please speak up.  We promise to listen.

2023-24 Message from Co-Presidents Linda Davies and Cheryl Spraetz

New words entering common discourse reflect our rapidly changing world.  Among the words added are life-long learning, inclusive education, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), agrivoltaic, deep fakes, and a definite favorite, groomzilla.  Coincidentally, many of these new words align with program themes for this year and have been explored by our interest groups in recent years.

The Biden Administration is expected to propose modifications to Title IX, and our popular All-Branch Read, will feature author Erika Krause exploring struggles with Title IX in her private investigation work.  We celebrated the achievements of Serbian Nikola Jokic in taking the Nuggets to a championship this year.  The speaker at our International Dinner will give us an in-depth presentation about the country of Serbia.  Another program will focus on Artificial Intelligence.  Did you know that AI, aka machine learning, has been in use for many years?  Health agencies use AI to predict flu seasons and banks to protect us from fraudulent withdrawals.  Another program will highlight firsthand experiences of a volunteer linguistics expert and local Afghan refugees.  All are excellent program choices supporting this year’s theme Boundless Learning, Endless Growth.

We hope you will be encouraged to encounter, engage, and grow along with your fellow AAUW members during our upcoming year of learning.

2022-23  Message from Co-Presidents Linda Davies & Wanda Schnabel

Does it seem like history is only the things we have not personally experienced?  And everything that is NEW is what we have really lived?  1947 seems like history and in this year, 2022, we can say that Longmont AAUW has a significant history, but our members have lived much that is NEW.  In 1947 World War II was just over, soldiers were coming home, industrial products were more available (a new tractor factory in Longmont) and Jack Kerouac (On the Road) took a nap under a tree at a Longmont gas station.

Thirty-eight local women became charter members of the American Association of University Women Longmont Branch on October 10, 1947, and successfully made their own history for the last 75 years.  Phrasing and wording may have changed over the years, but our mission has not:  to advance gender equity for women and girls.

The Branch has gone through many changes, just as the lives of women have changed over 75 years – all the original members were called Miss or Mrs., using their husband’s first name.  But this 75-year-old Longmont Branch remains vibrant and a force for the betterment of its members.  We continue to be engaged in our community through our educational outreach, civic involvement and our annual scholarship and action grant programs.  Let’s celebrate our history and invigorate ourselves for the future.

2021-22  Message from President Wanda Schnabel

Certainty – is there such a thing? While the vaccine promised us a difference, it did not signify an end to the life changes wrought by the pandemic. We will begin our program year with the Tapas and Wine meeting together outdoors, but in person. We hope to do more in-person events in the 2021-2022 year, and still remain flexible for everyone’s comfort and safety.

The past year, difficult as it has been, has increased our resiliency and technological expertise. We will not abandon those skills and learnings in the upcoming year. But one of the most significant things we have learned is to value each other, our Branch, our community, and the greater world.

The emphasis we will be focusing on in 2021-2022 is Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Already considerable thought is being given to DE&I in government, corporations, foundations, cultural institutions, AAUW, and among us individually. We value AAUW because of its long running foundation supporting issues that impact women and girls. While we continue that emphasis, we expand it to people in every circumstance without hinderance by gender, race, age, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

So, we will work to learn, to understand, and to expand ourselves because although certainty is cherished, it is not an absolute. Welcome to AAUW Longmont and join us this year with your ideas, involvement, and enthusiasm.