Longmont Branch Leadership

Our Branch year runs from July 1 to June 30.  Leadership positions are for two years with members eligible to serve two consecutive terms in a position.  When possible, the President, Program Vice President and Finance Officer will be elected in odd numbered years and the Membership Vice President and Secretary will be elected in even-numbered years.

A nominating committee of at least three members, selected by the Board of Directors in February, prepares a list of nominees.  These names are published in the April newsletter prior to the annual business meeting in May, when voting by the members present occurs.

Leadership 2024-25

Elected Officers

Co-Presidents: Cheryl Spraetz and Janell Flaig

Administrator:  Kathy Hall

Membership VP:  Nan Andersson

Programs VPs: Susan Burnett and Charlotte Tyson 

Co-Finance Officers: Sue Hughes and Carol Brookshire

Co-Secretaries: Marguerite Hubbard and Cherie Schumm 

Standing Committee Chairs

AAUW Fund:  Susan Damon

Communications:  Kathy Hall

Community Action Grants:  Sherry Cross and Sue Hughes

Courtesy:  Mary Weber

Historian: Kathy Hall

Local Scholarship Committee:  Bev Schrenk

Newsletter:  Wanda Schnabel 

Public Policy:  Darcy Juday

Yearbook: Vicki Moran