Our Branch year runs from July 1 to June 30. Leadership positions are for two years with members eligible to serve two consecutive terms in a position. The positions are often filled with co-officers to make committing to the position easier. When possible, the President, Program Vice President and Finance Officer will be elected in odd numbered years and the Membership Vice President and Secretary will be elected in even-numbered years.
A nominating committee of at least three members, selected by the Board of Directors in February, prepares a list of nominees. These names are published in the April newsletter prior to the annual business meeting in May, when voting by the members present occurs.
Leadership 2024-25
Elected Officers
Co-Presidents: Cheryl Spraetz and Janell Flaig
Administrator: Kathy Hall
Program Co-VPs: Susan Burnett and Charlotte Tyson
Membership VP: Nan Andersson
Co-Finance & Membership: Carol Brookshire
Co-Finance Officers: Sue Hughes
Co-Secretaries: Marguerite Hubbard and Cherie Schumm
Standing Committee Chairs
AAUW Fund: Susan Damon
Communications: Kathy Hall
Community Action Grants: Sherry Cross and Sue Hughes
Courtesy: Mary Weber
Historian: Kathy Hall
Local Scholarship Committee: Bev Schrenk
Newsletter: Wanda Schnabel
Public Policy: Darcy Juday
Yearbook: Vicki Moran