Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

Our branch has a number of standing and ad hoc committees that members are welcome and encouraged to participate in.  Joining a committee is a great way to learn more about AAUW both nationally and locally.  It also gives you an opportunity to meet new people, develop new skills and put existing skills to use.  If you are interested, please contact the chair of the committee for more information.

Communications Team: This team is responsible for the management of the Longmont branch’s social media presence including both our website and Facebook page, our monthly newsletter, and ongoing publicity of our activities in the local community.  Chair:  Kathy Hall 

Community Action Grant Selection Committee:  The Longmont Branch funds community action grants which are administered by the Longmont Community Foundation. Grant recipients are selected by a committee of Branch members who meet in April of each year.  Recipients are invited to the Spring Fling in May.  Co-Chairs: Sherry Cross  and Sue Hughes 

Courtesy:  This committee keeps track of the well-being and needs of our members and reaches out to help as the opportunity arises.  Chair:  Mary Webber

Education Committee:  Works to establish solid, long term connections with local educational institutions, in particular Front Range Community College, to provide awareness of AAUW mission, programs, and benefits to their students.  Chair:  Wanda Schnabel 

Finance Committee:  Develops and updates financial management tools for the branch including handling of the annual budget process and fundraising options.  In addition, is responsible for the annual membership renewal and new member processes.  Chair:  Sue Hughes

Local Scholarship Committee:  With the proceeds from years of our Bargain Book Fair, the AAUW Longmont Branch funds AAUW scholarships, administered by the Longmont Community Foundation.  Recipients are invited to the Spring Fling in May.  Bev Schrenk is our AAUW representative to the LCF’s AAUW Scholarship Selection Committee.  Each year one Branch member, recommended by the Branch, sits on that selection committee.  Contact:  Bev Schrenk   

Leadership Development Committee:  This committee is made-up of the Executive Committee of the board.  The committee might take on nonelected officer members if they have particular expertise in the area of leadership development, mentoring or other related skills. Contact: Branch President

Membership Committee:  This committee works to recruit and retain members, provide orientation for new members and communicate with members on all issues related to membership.  Chair:  Nan Andersson

Nominating Committee:  This committee is responsible for developing a slate of officers for the coming year to present to the membership.  This committee is ad hoc but occasionally works on a longer term basis to identify candidates for succession planning purposes in the future.  Contact: Branch President

Program Development Committee:  Each year, develops and presents monthly programs  related to the mission of AAUW and our branch.  It also provides understanding and guidance for the handling of upcoming AAUW issues within our community.  Co-Chairs:  Charlotte Tyson  and Susan Burnett

Project Committee:  This committee, new in 2025, will explore ideas for a short-term, mission-based projects that offer various levels of member participation in the spirit of the successful community book sale of the past.  Co-Chairs: Cassie Lau and Cheri Schumm

Public Policy Committee:  Responsible for the public policy program for the branch, including contact with Colorado AAUW public policy chair, development of successful advocacy strategies for the branch, and recommendation for direct action on legislation as appropriate.  Chair:  Darcy Juday