Interest Groups

Longmont AAUW members participate in a variety of interest groups.  Read quick descriptions of the groups and get contact information below; follow the links to pages with more in-depth information about each of groups.
Coffee and ConversationThis group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 9:30 – 10:30 AM and on the fourth Thursday each month at the same time.  The gatherings are held at various locations including upstairs at the Java Stop at 310 Main St.; outside at Roosevelt Park near 8th Ave. and Bross St.; and at Cavegirl Coffee at 100 Year Part Ct., depending on the week and time of year.  There is no agenda for this group, just good coffee (and perhaps a croissant), good conversation and fellowship.  There is no commitment to weekly or monthly participation.  All members are invited to join the group anytime they are available.  For information and to get on the reminder list, contact Nan Andersson via email or at 720-684-6651.
Current Issues & Advocacy: This group meets in members’ homes on the third Monday of the month from 3:30 – 5:00 PM.  Whether troubling or energizing, current issues of local, state and national importance are the topics of this discussion group. The focus is on understanding issues more clearly, expanding skills of all our members to better deal with issues and possibly taking specific actions that might be appropriate.  All Branch members are welcome to join us for the discussion.  For information, contact Nancy Holt via email or at 303-772-5131.
Evening Book GroupThis group meets the third Thursday of the month from 7:00 – 8:30 PM.  Books and locations are published in the newsletter; members are welcome to attend only the discussions in which they are interested.  Here’s the list of books the group has read over the last several years.  For more information, contact Bev Schrenk via email or at 303-772-7987.
Gourmet Dinner Group: AAUW members, along with their spouses, partners, and guests, gather three or four times a year on a weekend evening to enjoy the wonderful world of food.   Read more about how the Gourmet evenings are organized, and find plans and recipes from past events and a list of dinner themes from the last decade.  For more information, contact Gayle Rainey via email or at 303-772-6411.
Great Decisions:  Starting in mid-January each year, members and nonmembers meet for eight or nine Mondays from 12:30 – 2:30 PM.  Informed by the nonpartisan Foreign Policy Association’s briefing book, they discover the history of eight foreign policy issues, learn the United States’ various policy options, and discuss the possible outcomes of each choice.  For particulars about the 2025 program, see Great Decisions 2025.    This group is nonpartisan and welcomes nonmembers.  For more information, contact Sue Hughes via email or at 303-776-4541.
Hiking Group:  This group plans to hike once a month, hitting the road for their selected trailhead between 7:00 and 8:00 AM.  The hiking locations are throughout Boulder County and Rocky Mountain National Park.  They are moderate in difficulty and cover 3-5 miles.  That sounds more rigorous that it probably will seem once on the trail as this also provides an opportunity for some great conversation.  For more information, contact Wanda Schnabel via email or at 303-485-9584.
Memoir Writing Group   … Leaving a Legacy:  These writers meet the first Thursday of the month from 4:00 – 5:30 PM.   Members share and discuss their writings and encourage each other in preserving a history of family happenings, anecdotes, and character profiles.  Come join them as they relive yesterday and preserve stories for family and friends.  For more information, contact Mary Webber via email or at 303-581-0375.
The JEDI’s (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion): Members meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 1:00 – 2:30 PM in an informal study group format to discuss various issues and opportunities, take field trips, and become more knowledgeable in light of recent events in the U.S.  The group reviews materials including books, articles, videos, movies, podcasts, and other sources recommended by the members.  New members are welcome at any time.  For more information, contact Ginny Black via email or at 303-772-4035.