The JEDIs, formerly the Racism and Anti-Racism Study Group, has changed its name but continue to focus on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in our local communities.

The group initially focused on Black Americans, starting with a short resource list, which includes films, books, articles, articles, and podcasts.  Take a look and you’ll see what has driven the group to delve into this subject in more details.  The group then looked closely Indigenous Peoples and is now focused on our Hispanic community.  The group is also always looking at the role and impact of women throughout.

The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 1:00 – 2:30 PM for a targeted discussion, to view a movie, or benefit from a local guest speaker or may expand the time to accommodate a field trip.

The study group has taken tours at the History Colorado and Denver Art Museum to get a closer look at the issues and history of the groups of focus.  Participants in the group have also attended presentations on relevant topics at the Longmont Museum.

New participants are welcome at any time.  For more information, email Ginny Black